Ontario PeriAnesthesia Nurses Association
The Road to Recovery
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OPANA Bursaries

Bursary Application for Conference

To apply for the OPANA bursary for an OPANA or NAPANc conference, you must be a member of OPANA and have attended the latest conference. Please include your certificate of attendance, your receipt for proof of purchase, along with your completed application form. The bursary will be determined as the Early Bird price of registration. Please note, only one applicant will be awarded the bursary per conference, and a decision will be made based on the following:

The applicant must:

Winner of the bursary will be identified in The Monitor newsletter, along with your written submission.

Please complete the form below, or download, print and fill it in, then submit it to

Name: *
Email: *
Phone: *
CNO Number: *
I have been an OPANA member for: *
Current PeriAnesthesia area of work: *
e.g. Pre-op clinic, Same Day Surgery, Phase 1, phase 2, other
Number of years working: *
Position: *
e.g. staff RN, educator, manager, other
Name of Organization: *
Name and date of conference: *
In 250 words please write about your learning highlights at the conference, and how you plan to promote, contribute, enhance or improve PeriAnesthesia nursing practice in your workplace:
Security Question: *

Fields marked with * are required.

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